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This site has been created to achieve two objectives:- In the process, we hope to contribute towards preserving the remnants of our literature.

Why? Because there is plenty of literature on the web about science and religion. There are lots of sites which offer different views on religions, including purpose, methods and consequences. There are also a number of sites on Jainism. However, we could not find much material to do with the Essence of Jainism which is understanding the difference between:-
  1. the self and other objects;
  2. my natural dispositions from unnatural dispositions.
This aspect of Jainism is rare in terms of availability (almost hidden!) as stated in Gatha 4 of Shree Samaysaar and we want to make people aware of its existence. We will have achieved our objective if, after examining the material, you question your belief of "one-ness" with the body and alien dispositions.


In this site we will attempt to present the original Jain texts faithfully WITHOUT creating any new literature. All the literature we reproduce will be:- who had become Gnaanis by understanding and experiencing their own nature called Samyakt Darshan (Right Faith). And then written texts to assist others to achieve the same understanding. Introductory texts, to help gain a basic grounding in Jainism, written by others whose literary skills have been commended by Gnaanis (such as those written by authors in Pujya Gurudev Kanji Swami's presence) will also be presented here. These texts will be confined to presenting the basics of Jainism only. If you find a conflict ALWAYS rely on the the Gnaani's message.

Only material written by Gnaani's, or under their watch, is available on AtmaDharma. We have tried not to give personal opinions to ensure that the material is not distorted. Everything on AtmaDharma.com & AtmaDharma.org is free for you to download onto your PC!

If we should fail to live up to these principles, please let us know, without hesitation, on Contact Us.


The site is dedicated to the concept of "Bhed-Gnaan" (discriminative-knowledge). This is what we regard as the Essence of Jainism to achieve every soul's objective of happiness.

Whatever we have understood regarding "Bhed-Gnaan" has come from the six well-known people of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries that have understood and put into practise the Essence of Jainism. These Great Souls are:-

Great Soul Details
Shreemad Rajchandraji
Pujya GurudevShree Kanji Swami
Pujya Lalchandbhai Amarchand Modi
We have often been asked "Why are Pujya Lalchandbhai A Modi's lectures being made available on AtmaDharma.com & AtmaDharma.org?". The answer is "Because Pujya Lalchandbhai was a Samyag Drashti (Gnaani)" and this has also been stated by Pujya Gurudev Shree Kanji Swami in the following public lectures:
Pujya Nihalchandbhai Sogani
Pujya BahenShree Champaben
Pujya Shantaben
We are extremely grateful to these six Gnaani's for showing us that true understanding. Implementation of that understanding is within everyone's reach.


The inspiration for this site comes from my loving mother, Laxmiben. My mother's quality of quiet and gentle perseverance for what is right and principled has been a source of inspiration for building AtmaDharma.com whenever we have encountered obstacles and were ready to give up.

Ever since I can remember, my mother was always reading Jain shastras and thinking about the tattvas. She knew that this was the only way out of the misery of sansaar......

When my mother was suffering from cancer and knew she was in her last days in this life, she told her five children that she had packed our inheritance into separate boxes for each of us.

What did each of these boxes contain? .... a set of Jain shastras ... the only inheritance worth giving ... one that would help each of us to make our own way out of the misery of sansaar.

My wife (Jyoti), and I (Rajesh), would like to share our inheritance with you ...


We are publishing this material because we would like to share information that we believe is very useful. In order to convey the meaning to those viewers who's first language is not Gujarati or Hindi, we are including transliteration and also our attempt at translation into English. However, as we have not yet attained "Samayakt-Darshan", there is a risk that our interpretation is not correct. Where we have published translations by others, we would ask you to bear the above in mind. So, please:- The alternative of not publishing for fear of errors has been considered but it was felt that including the original material in addition to our translation would be the better option as mistakes could be recognised and corrected. We would welcome your views on this matter.